Ignite Your Growth


My name is Fidan, and I’m a Behavioural Money Coach, and Creative, based in Dubai.

If you’re curious to deeply explore your relationship with money, so that you may experience more freedom, let’s embark on a money coaching journey together.

For most of my adult life, I’ve had a voracious appetite for personal growth. If you also love asking life’s bigger questions, learning and growing, I invite you into my creative world. Check out my Magic Moments Games, and fortnightly newsletter, Three Scoops

I write, host events, and share resources focused on personal growth, to live a fulfilling life.

The Menu of Offerings

Do you wish to improve your relationship with money?

Money can be the source of much stress, fear and anxiety in our world, wouldn’t you agree?

It is also the number one taboo in our society…and because we rarely talk about money candidly, many of us often feel alone, in a state of scarcity, stuck or stressed. 

As a money coach, I will support you in…

  • Safely uncovering areas of fear and discomfort

  • Reviewing your history with money

  • Exploring the origins of challenging behaviours

  • Bringing awareness to unconscious money patterns, beliefs and attitudes

  • Making progress towards your money dreams & aspirations 

Together we will go through a highly rewarding process to move towards developing a healthier relationship with money.

Behavioural money coaching is beyond only budgets, income and investing. It is about getting to the root, not applying a band-aid solution. We focus on bringing awareness to unconscious attitudes, beliefs and behaviours. Why? Because these unconscious patterns influence our day-to-day behaviour and impact us more than we know. Awareness is the first doorway to change. 

Embarking on a behavioural money coaching journey is a worthwhile experience that can empower us to transform self-sabotaging tendencies, so that we may liberate ourselves and experience more calm, abundance and freedom.  

Read our fortnightly newsletter curated with personal growth resources

Three Scoops 🍦 is a newsletter for millennials, by millennials with a focus on personal growth, sharing our finest resources with you to live your fullest life.

People say that what we’re all seeking is a meaning for life. I don’t think that’s what we’re really seeking. I think that what we’re seeking is an experience of being alive, so that our life experiences on the purely physical plane will have resonances with our own innermost being and reality, so that we actually feel the rapture of being alive.

- Joseph Campbell

Perhaps you’re just curious about life’s wonders, like me…(SILK ROAD)

Would you like to wander off into the Silk Road with me?

This is a magical space weaved with threads of consciousness, creativity, and curiosity.

Come and discover treasures from around the world, my imaginarium & beyond…

There is only one ask…